Consistency is worth it

When I say this will take a year, two, maybe three, almost everyone looks confused.
I used to be the same, looking for shortcuts and quick results. But I never got them. For almost ten years, my progress in learning and life was nearly zero.
But then I learned that consistency brings fruits, a lot of fruits. It seems easy at first. You have to spend ten minutes every day learning a foreign or programming language for a few years, and you will get exceptional results.
That year or two of learning will be here sooner than you ever expected. You won’t achieve it for sure, almost. Being consistent is difficult as hell. Almost everyone will give up, some after a week most after a month.
Having a system for habits is the best way to succeed in learning. But it will most probably take you a few years to learn to be consistent by achieving small steps and failing on the way.
But it is worth it!